The classic couch competitive gameplay of games like "Bomberman" brought into the modern era. Place bombs, get out of the way, destroy your friends, collect powerups, 'splode your way to victory in a variety of game modes adapted for smooth multiplayer with virtually unlimited local players!

Buy Splody for Windows, OSX and Linux today, or follow and add it to your wishlist to get notified when it is next on sale. Originally released on March 21st, 2017.

Available NOW on PlayStation®4! Buy it today to bring the ultimate couch competitive experience to your living room.

Splody for Windows, Linux and Mac is also available DRM-free on

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Note: PS4 version is limited to 4 controller players (due to hardware limitations) and 2 keyboard players (any USB keyboard)

Sign up here to get updates on Splody and our future projects, as well as upcoming beta invites!

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Splody is on Steam thanks to the Steam Greenlight community.

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